長山智香子 学術著作リンク集

このホームページにアップしていない主に英語か日本語の学術出版です。それぞれのタイトルから関連ページがリンクされています。Below is a list of my published academic works that are not posted in this website. You can click each title which are linked to relevant websites.


Nagayama, C. (2012). “Race as Technology and Blurred National Boundaries in Japanese Imperialism: Nessa no chikai (Vow in the Desert, 1940),” Transnational Cinemas 3(2), pp. 211-230.

Nagayama, C. (2009). “The Flux of Domesticity and the Exotic in a Wartime Melodrama,” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 34(2), pp. 369-395.

Mayuzumi, K., Motobayashi, K., Nagayama, C. and Takeuchi, M. (2007). “Transforming Diversity in Canadian Higher Education: A Dialogue of Japanese Women Graduate Students,” Teaching in Higher Education 12 (5-6), pp. 581-592.


Nagayama, C. (2012). “Multicultural Broadcasting Policy in Canada: Mixed Notions of Participatory Democracy and Cultural Diversity,” Ritsumeikan Studies in Language and Culture 23(4), pp. 77-83.

長山智香子 (2011).  Chapter 14. 「カナダの多文化主義と放送への市民参加 (Canadian multiculturalism and civic participation in broadcasting)」, 金山勉、津田正夫編『ネット時代のパブリックアクセス』 (Public access in the internet Age). 京都:世界思想社(Kyoto: Sekai shisōsha), pp. 161-173. 

Nagayama, C. (2003). “Imagined War and Nations: Canadian Wartime Propaganda Films and Representation of ‘Yamato Race’,” Kess, Joseph F., Hiroko Noro, Midge M. Ayukawa and Helen Lansdowne eds. Changing Japanese Identities in Multicultural Canada. Selected Papers from the “Changing Japanese Identities in Multicultural Canada Conference.” Victoria, B.C.: Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives and University of Victoria, pp. 129-134.

長山智香子 (2004). 「カナダの多文化主義と放送:放送を越える『民族文化』の現在」(Canadian Multiculturalism and Broadcastings: Contemporary “ethnic cultures” reaching beyond national borders), 『市民のメディア カナダ報告書』(Citizen’s Media in Canada Survey Report), pp. 75-82.

長山智香子+黛公音 (2007). 「植民地主義、大学、ジェンダー 在カナダ日本人女子大学院生の経験から」(Colonialism, University and Gender: Experiences of Japanese Women Graduate Students in Canada)あくまで実践 獣フェミニスト集団FROG編 (FROG eds.)『今月のフェミ的』、インパクト出版会、pp. 172-177.

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